Police Investigations

Mr. Beckett has successfully represented clients in pre-charge and pre-conviction matters such as police investigations. He can be retained to provide you with skilled and detailed counsel if you are under police investigation, and he will work diligently to prevent criminal (or other) charges being laid against you.

Even if the police have charged you, the Crown Prosecutor may not yet have approved your charges and it may be possible to prevent them from doing so. Mr. Beckett has often been retained immediately after someone has been charged, and in many of these cases he has been able to persuade the police or the Crown Prosecutor to drop the charges.

A conviction for any criminal offence will result in a criminal record, which can negatively impact many areas of your life including your reputation, your ability to maintain or obtain employment, and your ability to travel to other countries like the United States. In addition, a conviction may carry other penalties, including a potentially lengthy term of imprisonment.

Now is not the time to delay! Your reputation, future, and freedom are too important. In all cases, you are well advised to immediately speak with Mr. Beckett so he can evaluate your case, get your side of the story, and relentlessly defend you early in the process, against all possible charges.

“If you have been charged with or are under investigation for any of these offences — contact Metro Vancouver criminal defence lawyer Michael Beckett NOW for a FREE and confidential consultation about your case!”